An Allee is defined as “a walkway lined with trees or tall shrubs.” Over time that definition has evolved to include streets and driveways as well as walkways. Walking or driving through an allee is a unique experience, it has often been defined as nature’s cathedral. The problem with allees is they depend on mature plants on each side to create the overhanging canopy. Very few nurseries can supply plant material large enough to create an instant allee.
Halka is different. We specialize in specimen material and we have plenty of trees that can create an instant allee effect – even on roads or driveways that are two lanes wide. Shown below are three deciduous allees, the first two are at our nursery, the third is at the entrance to the FDR Memorial in Washington, D.C.. All three use Zelkova which is the perfect allee tree and we carry Zelkova trees up to 14″ caliper – which translates into plants 30’+ tall.

Deciduous allee at Halka Nurseries – Zelkova Trees

Another deciduous allee at Halka Nurseries – Zelkova Trees

Zelkova deciduous allee at the entrance to the FDR Memorial in Washington, D.C.